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Setting up AWS


We are currently not publishing a stable updated copy of the infrastructure deployment. We may update this time to time but it will likely not be production ready.

First you'll need to setup an AWS Account and login to the AWS CLI on your device.

You will also need pulumi to be installed. In their installation guide you can also find the Getting started with AWS guide and try an example project get a feel.


Before running pulumi up you may want to run pulumi preview --diff to see what will actually be modified. Make sure nothing important is deleted/changed!

After pulumi is installed you can follow to process below:

cd infrastructure/aws/pulumi/

pulumi up


You may incur a bill which is not our responsibility. You can use the aws calculator to calculate what your usage may be.

Now you should see a list of things, use the arrow keys to go down to "details" to see exactly what will be created.


You may not want to create a new VPC or override an existing one, be careful at this step!

Now as you likely won't want a new or changed VPC (as this can be very dangerous for any existing AWS services using this VPC) you can import your existing VPC. Go to the 'VPC Console' on AWS and you will see your VPC, copy the "VPC ID".

Now type in:

pulumi import aws:ec2/vpc:vpc/Vpc main_vpc [ID OF YOUR VPC]

# e.g. pulumi import aws:ec2/vpc:Vpc main_vpc vpc-01and2357151sounds5501Good73

And press "yes". You may want to do the same with the subnets:

pulumi import aws:ec2/subnet:Subnet main_subnet [YOUR SUBNET ID]

pulumi import aws:ec2/subnet:Subnet private_subnet [YOUR SUBNET ID]